Early Modern England: Politics, Religion, and Society under the Tudors and Stuarts with Professor Keith E. Wrightson

This course is intended to provide an up-to-date introduction to the development of English society between the late fifteenth and the early eighteenth centuries. Particular issues addressed in the lectures will include: the changing social structure; households; local communities; gender roles; economic development; urbanization; religious change from the Reformation to the Act of Toleration; the Tudor and Stuart monarchies; rebellion, popular protest and civil war; witchcraft; education, literacy and print culture; crime and the law; poverty and social welfare; the changing structures and dynamics of political participation and the emergence of parliamentary government.

  1. LECTURE 1

  2. LECTURE 2

  3. LECTURE 3

  4. LECTURE 4

  5. LECTURE 5

  6. LECTURE 6

  7. LECTURE 7

  8. LECTURE 8

  9. LECTURE 9

  10. LECTURE 10

  11. LECTURE 11

  12. LECTURE 12

  13. LECTURE 13

  14. LECTURE 14

  15. LECTURE 15

  16. LECTURE 16

  17. LECTURE 17

  18. LECTURE 18

  19. LECTURE 19

  20. LECTURE 20

  21. LECTURE 21

  22. LECTURE 22

  23. LECTURE 23

  24. LECTURE 24

  25. LECTURE 25